Pipeline Overview

Take a look at the image above to see the pipeline in more depth

Substance Instance Factory>Substance Graph Instance>Textures>Material Instance>Decal

  1. The Substance Instance Factory is used to make Substance Graph Instances

  2. The Substance Graph Instance is where you adjust parameters to create Textures. You will have a unique one for every Decal you make

  3. Textures such as BaseColor, Normal etc. are output to the Content Browser. These are like any usual Texture

  4. Plug your Textures into a Decal Material Instance. You will have a unique one for every Decal you make. A full Library of the various types and blends have already been made for you. These Material Instances are derived from the Decal Master Materials

  5. Drag your Material Instance into any level to create a Decal Actor

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